Artist/Designer & Research Centre for the Wondrous Body/ies
Lolo's practice weaves together seeeemingly disparate threads of personal and collective practice in the realms of screen printing, drag, graphic and objects design, farming, packaging, restorative circle processes, performance, drawing, chronic illness healing experiments, and health advocacy support.
They do so in a spirit of heartfelt world-building towards compassionate futures and a commitment to honouring womxn and land.
Feel free to reach out for convos, collaborations, and co-musingz.
Lolo creates images with gestural hand-drawing and hand-lettering, and the print mediums of screenprinting, lino-cut, and etching.
Lolo’s performance is born from a combination of plant reverence, playful humour, and chaotic wit from drag and feminist wrestling traditions. They seek to embody, question and disarm the norms of gendered and extractivist paradigms to propose alternative (softer and more honest) ways of being.
collective + collaborative work
Lolo is switching into 1st person now, as they/she//// I get real about being the person behind writing these blurbs :)
A large part of what I consider work is nurturing the aliveness of exchange, co-learning and co-inspiration that fuels movements, groups and collective change-making. Below are some of the glorious groups I('ve) learn(ed) with and from, and to whom I am very thankful.
+ sidetracks screenprinting collective
+ fly away with me (collective film-making)
+ restorative circles practice
+ sensitive pelvic exam collective
artist cv
+ Performance
2024, Offering: Scorpion atop Apples and Garbage, Open Studio + Art Sale, Studio Space Ottawa, ON
2023, Panty Witch, Soirée de lancement dans la paume d'un affluent mineur, Blackbox, DAIMON, Hull, QC
2023, In Our Own Words, Actor, Verbatim, Theatre Wakefield, Wakefield, QC
2023, An Early Summrs Nelvish Adventure: A community shadow show, Performer, Rockingham, ON
2023, The Unplugging, Role of Seamus, Great Canadian Theatre Company, Ottawa, ON
2019, Queer Farmin’ Tutorials, Nuit Noire Queer Arts Festival, Brownsburg Chatham, QC
2019, Man to Man, Glitterbomb, Le Ritz, Montreal, QC
2018, Love Schema Pumpkin, Grind’her: The Leatherdyke Edition, Brasserie Beaubien, Montreal, QC
2018, Twinning Melon Exchange, Get Bent, Le Belmont, Montreal, QC
2018, Log Lover, Beauty School Drop-outs, Café Cleopatre, Montreal, QC
2018, Grind’her: The Leatherdyke Edition,
2018, The Gamblers & Facists Lose, Male Privilege, Wiggle Room, Montreal, QC
2018, Mud, Get Bent, Le Ritz, Montreal, QC
2018, House of Agrimony presents Plant Drag, Nuit Noire Arts Festival, Ripon. QC
2018, Mud Practice, Cabret D’amis, Too Close to the Sun Theatre’s Pop Up Studio, Montreal, QC
2018, Earthbound Scifi wrestling: Lilac & Ula VS the Wheel of Fortune, Montreal, QC
2017, Gay Bob Toss, Hotwire: Queer Video and Performance, Casa Del Popolo, Montreal, QC
2017, GMO Potato Bro, Earthbound: Fight it Out, Bonus Universe! Sacred Square, Montreal, QC
2017, Enter SpudMuff, King of Kings, Cafe Cléopatre, Montreal, QC
2015, League of Lady Wrestlers, Island Rumble II, Toronto, ON
2012, Folio Magazine Launch, Studio Beluga, Montreal, QC
+ Workshop Facilitation
2018, Plant Drag, Workshop, Nuit Noire Queer Arts Festival, Ripon, QC
2018, Art is OK, Lecture, Institute for Advanced Trouble-Making, Worcester, MA
2018, Arts & Activism Lab, Workshop, Technocopia Maker-Space, Worcester, MA
2018, Design Against Design: Design Justice Track, Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI
2018, Doing Design, Surplace Media Coop, Montreal, QC
2018, Screenprinting 101 Workshops, Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective, Batiment 7, Montreal, QC
2018, Speculative Design Workshop, Emergent Visions: No Prisons Collective Film Visioning, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
2018, Public Printing Workshop, Parc Ex Against Gentrification Commemoration, Montreal, QC
2018, Public Protest Printing Workshop, Let Lucy Stay Demonstration, Montreal, QC
2017, Sounding Out: Women/Girls, Gender Non-Conforming & 2SLGBT+ Youth in Sci-Fi Podcasting, Sketch Artscape Youngplace, Toronto, ON
2017, Sci-fi world building, Guest Lecture, Vanier College. Montreal, QC
2017, Screenprinting Workshop, Anarchist Bookfair, CEDA, Montreal, QC
2016, Month Against Deportations, Community Art Facilitation, Montreal, QC
2012, Design Process, Guest Lecture, Concordia University, Undergraduate Design-Art Class, Montreal, QC
+ Community-engagement / Collectives
2021, Value Collective co-design sprint, alternate economies, at the monastery, Montreal, QC
2018-2023, Sensitive Pelvic Exam Collective member & educator, Montreal, QC
2019-2021, Restorative Circles Facilitator training & assistant circle facilitator, Montreal, QC
2016 – 2018, Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective member & workshop facilitator, Montreal, QC
2018, Batiment 7 Collective member, Montreal, QC
2018, Emergent Visions, No Prisons! Film Collective participant & contributor, Montreal, QC
+ Awards/Grants/Fellowships
2017, ArtReach & the Toronto Arts Council
+ Printmaking Expo / Tabling
2019, Howl Arts & Activism, Casa Del Popolo. Montreal, QC
2018, Marché de Leon, Batiment 7, Montreal, QC
2018, Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective: Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, QC
2017, Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective: Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, QC
2017, Out, Tabling Fair and Community Discussion, Casa Del Popolo, Montreal, QC
2015, Expozine, Montreal, QC
+ Group Exhibitions / Print, Drawing & Performance
2014, Fuck Evolution, Let’s go to the Mall!, Rialto Theatre, Montreal, QC
2012, Three Times, Coatcheck Gallery, Montreal, QC
2012, Intersections: Artists & Educators, Espace Fibre, Montreal, QC
2012, Subject to Change, Art Matters, Espace Projet, Montreal, QC
2011, Design Undergraduate Exhibit, Concordia University, QC
2011, Art Alley, Ctrl Lab, Montreal, QC
2011, Fleet, Public Art Event, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
2010, Runthrough, Visceral Reactions, Art Matters, Studio 303, Montreal, QC
+ Education
2012 Graduate of BFA, Concordia University. Montreal, QC
+ Continued Learning
2023, Jungian Somatics & Creative Body Practitioner, Jane Clapp, Toronto, ON
2022, Reclaiming Pleasure: Embodied Joy in Trauma Recovery & Social Change, Kai Cheng Thom, The Embody Lab, Online
2021, Queer Descendants Worldbuilding Workshop X with Earthbound Futures, Studio 303, Montreal, QC
2021, Continuum with Linda Rabin, Studio 303, Montreal QC
2021, Neurobiology of Embodied Spirituality & RYW Trauma Foundations, Jane Clapp, Online
2021, Young Cooks and Farmers Conference, Stone Barns Centre, Online
2019 - 2021, Organic Farm work/apprenticeship: Aux Champs Qui Chantent, Santropol Roulant, Ottawa Farm Fresh
2020, Yes And Brain! Neurobiology Deep Dive, Lacy Alana, Online
2019- 2021, Haptic Dances Haptic Writing, Lara Oundjian, Studio 303, Montreal, QC
2019, Dancing Magic Together, Keith Hennesey, Studio 303, Montreal QC
2018, Institute for Advanced Troublemaking. Worcester, MA
2018, Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI
2017 – 2018, WxmbCore, movement and voice workshops, Be Heintzman Hope, Montreal, QC
I would like a home
I would like a home where I can rest, and heal - all the tissues of my body ask this as we seek to manage illness. I would like an economy to recognize the stunning 'value' of this home - the work of weaving health, family and culture that happens within. I want to see my peers: artists, queers and womxn supported in their/our embodied wellness, so that we have a base to stand on as we vision and build more compassionate futures. I long to delve into imagining the systems we might participate in that would allow us food and housing security, cultural safety & diversity - and joy. I would like to lovingly commit to a reciprocal relating to land, and to all the beautiful beings who have, do and will support this living. Leaving behind landlordism, competitive, unsustainable economies and mindsets, I know this is something we can bring about, and soon. And so, this is a call to all those who might want to vision together. Perhaps in the playful format of: Retirement Community: the musical!?